Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 16 3rd May 2011

Well, another day in the life of Hany…The rain persisted from last night so I was adamant to leave as soon as the miserable Alhambra tour was going to be over and find a sunny town. Boy was I wrong…Let’s just say that the trip took on new momentum from this day on and probably a whole new energy…

I drove and parked in Alhambra car park…to get me out as soon as possie…little did I know I was in for a long haul up steep hills but definitely a must for everyone to do…the facts are fascinating and its amazing that through out the ages how stupidity managed to wreck and luck managed to preserve… if anything I have truly to the profound realization that all those fight or argue in the name of religion are morons…and should be publicly flogged every hour.

No matter, I met some great folks today…Claire& her sis Sherry and her son Trey who is studying in Granada…and as an introvert I publicly introduced myself and as surely most who have met me would say that the first impression they got when they met me was I should be gagged… Some still share that on all subsequent meets… whatever…

Also met Mandy and Janice who have become my travel companions not to mention they opened my eyes to the joy of travelling alone yet with many people. Mandy and Janice have introduced me to the world of Hostels let that be forever known that I agreed to stay in a Hostel. Ok the Granada experience was an independent double room with my own bathroom…I was told that’s not really the same but it said Hostel.

Quote of the day at lunch was when Janice who ordered “Oh la la” and as we were all sharing tapas style and Janice turned to Trey “ want to sample my Oh la la” when suddenly everyone burst in laughter and Janice went red (and it wasn’t just the Sangria I spilt on her… in fairness Trey did politely decline and Sherry decided to advise him that “you will never get an offer like that again” well for Trey’s sake I hope that’s not true (In fact I am sure of it)

The next thing we did was dinner and drinks in an Irish pub… followed by an arab bath…Ok this thing was bizarre and if people haven’t tried it well don’t take my word for it and you may like it…but paying for someone to bath you with suds is ummm…how do I say this a very weird experience…and only the arabs could think of this…the west had just called it solicitation but the arabs called it a bath…it was something to chalk up and move on…

The rest of the night was even weirder with me catching up with Trey and his buddies which involved about 20 year olds who were so young that I either missed half the shit or wanted to…lets say that if I am in a room with those guys it would get ugly quickly…their collective maturity was 5 (in fact maybe less than 5). The exception were Trey and Brian and they were cool but I just felt out of place and probably way too old to have hung around as long as I have so headed back home about 3 am after all I have a big drive to Seville and Janice and Mandy will be joining me.

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