Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 8 25th April (Anzac Day) 2011

Well everyone at home must be super excited about a 5 daylong weekend… I would have been too but the fact that I will have 8 weeks off in a row… I can’t be Jealous.

Well in London Town its still a Bank Holiday technically (Easter Monday) its weird that the Scotts didn’t really have any comprehension of the long weekend but the Londoners seem to have had. Anyway, continuing from my seventh Sabbath the previous day I decided to chill out some more and had not left the apartment before 3:30 ish … Sadder than that is I actually stayed in the apt watching the 10 commandments…Yes, its sad…but whatever…

When I finally got my arse in gear I headed straight for the London eye but the queue was horrendous so just took a few snaps of Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster, and Yes B(F)uckingham Palace…the thought that kept going through my head was this could potentially be the last Royal Wedding of my era… And at the same time…I was thinking poor saps their lives as the know it will be forever ruined after that wedding… I guess that’s what compelled me into buying the memorabilia items and I did so from the palace shop and not the “Tacky” convenience stores…that was my contribution to the wedding ☺

I then hopped on the tube to Leicester sq… and wasn’t really sure why… but the place was abuzz as always and as I aimlessly wondered I just ended up in front of the theatre and Les Miserables was playing…I have heard the sound track and I might have even seen it but the fact that I was in London…I think the bucket list was owed something other than the adrenaline junk…so I decided time to splash out on the arts and yes it was worth every penny (and there were a few pennies spent) I dreamed a dream when hope was high ;-) well I am glad I am still dreaming.

Going home I was elated to say the least and promptly added the Les Miz soundtrack to my library

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